When you purchase these books below a portion of proceeds goes to help MTMA fight against disinformation.
Them: Why We hate Each Other -- And How to Heal
A thoughtful perspective on the components that lead to divisiveness. Loneliness is a prime cause that we must all work to heal from.
Pro Truth: A Practical Plan for Putting Truth Back Into Politics
I highly recommend this book to anyone who has a concern about the increasing amount of bad information that is attacking our understanding of reality. I recommend it even more so if you do not yet have such a concern.
Love your Enemies:
The ancient parable relating to Jesus saying we should "Turn the other cheek" in the face of insults has merit even in our modern era. This book describes the power of such a mindset.
The Hype Machine
A tour-de-force to understand the deep problems we're in.
Cult of Trump
A revealing discussion on the similarities between Trump supporters and cult members.
Messengers of the Right
In this book, Ms. Hemmer writes her detailed investigation on the use of media by the conservative right and how they've used it to manipulate their way into the mainstream.
Weapons of Math Destruction
In many ways math/science has been abused/misused because they do not understand it.
Don't Think of An Elephant
A discussion on the different mind-sets between conservatives and progressives, and how we 'frame' matters we discuss can significantly alter how it is received.
Death of Expertise
This is an honest look at the decay of our trust in expertise, and why it is a problem.
Predictably Irrational
A nice read on how us humans, even the smartest of us, are quite irrational. Fortunately, we can understand some of the irrationality.
Fascism: A Warning
Learn about the dangers of fascisim does from former Secretary of the United States, Madeline Albright
Network Propaganda
A data-driven network analysis of how the traditional and social media ecosystem has evolved to promote disinformation, revealing how bad it has gotten.
Dark Money
This is a in-depth treatise on large volumes of money intended to shift the American Psyche to the conservative mindset.
48 Laws of Power
In this classic piece by Robert Green he offers historical perspective on themes that have helped people with to gain and retain power.
The Coddling of the American Mind
We have been unable to thrive because we do not challenge ourselves, and have prevented others to do the same. Its time to change that.
Merchants of doubt
Emergent forces have strategically attacked science and our understanding of reality for their selfish growth. Learn the history behind these behemoth wielders of disinformation.
The Righteous Mind
A powerful book going over his 'intuitionist' theory. It seems more applicable to many areas of life. He also introduces his moral-foundation's theory, where people operate on 5+1 different pillars: Care, Liberty+Justice, Loyalty, Respect of Authority, Purity, and LIberty.
The Political Mind
Exposition of the matriarch/patriarch explanation of political viewpoints
Loserthink: How Untrained Brains Are Ruining America
A look at innefective thinking habits that everyone succumbs to.
Just Listen
An excellent book on dealing with the challenge of communicating with both other people and yourself.
The Art of Strategy
It is important to approach life strategically if we want to get the best out of it. This book goes into simple-yet-useful discussion of Game Theory and what it means to us all.
Predict the future using known tools. Be less certain. Use base-rates and update up and down from that. Consider multiple perspectives as much as possible.
True or False: A CIA Analyst's Guide to Spotting Fake News
Get the Truth: Former CIA Officers Teach You How to Persuade Anyone to Tell All
When liars will not tell you the truth, there are a few things you can do to get closer to it. Former CIA agents describe some powerful and peaceful techniques for doing so.
How to Argue, Powerfully, Persuasively, Positively
A quick guide on effectively arguing with others.
Yes! 50 Scientifically Proven Ways to be Persuasive
Collaborating with the Enemy: How to Work with People You Don't Agree with or Like or Trust
When we can treat our enemies as collaborators, working to find commonalities, we can forge greater alliances that are mutually beneficial.
How to Talk so Teens will Listen and Listen So Teens Will Talk
Improve your Conversations
Constructive and collaborative conversations make everything easier. Learn som techniques from quick read.
Crucial Conversations
If we go into conversations with a few tools at our disposal, they will be better for us and those we are talking with.
How to Win Friends and Influence People
“You can't win an argument. You can't because if you lose it, you lose it; and if you win it, you lose it.” - Dale Carnegie
Spy the Lie
An important read written by a former CIA agent. This describes the 'tells' that liars use when they wish to hide or obscure the truth.
Beyond Reason: Using Emotions as you Negotiate
Focusing on emotions, both yours and others, is a powerful wool when working together with others. Core concerns: Appreciation, Affiliation, Autonomy, Status, and Roll. All of these need to be considered.
Words that Work: Its not what you say, its what people hear.
A book revealing how to manipulate people through better framing choices.
Thinking Fast and Slow
An important discussion on the two ways we think: logically and rationally, and more commonly, instinctually.
Homo Sapiens
A dense book on history and philosophy of how cames to be tthe way they are.
The Magic of Reality
As we have come to understand reality, we have become better able to change reality. This book paints a wonderful picture on this process.
The Meme Machine
Susan Blackmore provides a thorough discussion on 'memes' and 'memeplexes'. Because of there importance in our society, this is a highly recommended, if more complex-read.
Principles: Life and Work
A large set of discussions on how living life in a rational principled manner can make it a lot easier.
Political Tribes
An important way of seeing how Tribal we are and how if we don't pay attention to this, we'll often make things worse.